
Showing posts from October, 2017


======= Recap Part 1 : Excerpts from C's.... (Whistleblower's) AFGE Union Steward's sworn statement by Officer……..deposed in March 2016 citing EEO violations by the Agency and whistleblower protected disclosures reported to him by the complainant. Dates are approximated to be “on or about” by both the witness and the investigative authority. Titles of persons are noted in parentheses for reader clarification. ======= In November 2014, Dr. ....... (Service Chief) reassigned complainant to another department. The Complainant claims she requested a reassignment to ..... ......, but was relocated to the 4th floor instead. 1) Is this true? Answer: Yes, the complainant requested to be moved around December 14th, 2014. I. How are you aware of this? Answer: I was able to read numerous emails between managers which those emails were obtained by the complainant’s FOIA requests of official documents. ii. Why did this person make this decision? Answer: P…..,…. (Ser
FOIA DOCS – Reprisal after EEO activity Ms. C.... (Whistleblower) made protected disclosures under the No Fear Act because she reasonably believed there were violations in law, rule, or regulation committed by her collaborating/supervisory physician/surgeon. While she made multiple reassignment/transfer requests, in order to protect herself from reprisal while she engaged in EEO activity, she was denied, ignored, and refused the option of relocation by the agency. Instead, she was forced to remain working under the very physician/surgeon who she reported on. Reprisal catapulted into a smear campaign to dismiss Ms. C… after exposing chronic violations by the physician/surgeon. Ms. C…. remained in compliance with VA policies; yet, making disclosures about the blatant violations resulted in almost eight months of reprisal, bullying, gender discrimination, and harassment. Intimidation tactics and discrediting the employee is a method by which the agency coerces the employee to resign. N
FOIA DOCS Ms. C.... made protected disclosures because she reasonably believed there were violations in law, rule, or regulation. She was retaliated against, falsely smeared, and unjustly dismissed for making protected whistleblower disclosures against a surgeon in 2014. Ms. C reported the following violations by the physician/surgeon: 1) medication mishandling; 2) stashing and re-using excess injectable meds into subsequent veterans for whom the drugs were not withdrawn; 3) failing to chart the drug name, strength, or dose he injected in the medical record in several charts; 4) committing intentional unsafe acts in the OR; 5) failing to encrypt sensitive patient data for about 5 months without the veterans ever being apprised by the agency that their data was compromised; 6) no disciplinary measures or adverse personnel actions were taken against the surgeon for chronic violations reported to the Privacy/ISO officers; and 7); the local Inspector General (IG) failed to investigate th